iPhone: "Líquido detectado en el conector Lightning" - Cómo solucionarlo

You’re down to the last ten percent of your iPhone’s battery, desperately reaching for your charger, hoping for that familiar connection sound and a charging notification. Instead, you’re greeted with a banner notification stating that charging is disabled due to the presence of liquid in the connector. While this issue is typically temporary and can … Leer más

7 maneras de arreglar un iPhone que se apaga y se enciende continuamente (reiniciándose)

When you’re using your iPhone normally and notice it shutting down unexpectedly, it can be quite frustrating. Not only might you lose unsaved data, but you could also miss important calls or notifications. If this issue is causing you significant inconvenience, it’s essential to troubleshoot the problem using practical methods. This starts with identifying why … Leer más

Configuración de correo no deseado en iPhones: así se encuentra

If you’re an Apple iPhone or iPad user, you might be seeking a solution to stem the tide of unwanted messages inundating your inbox. Since the internet is a public space, controlling the influx and outflow of spam can be challenging. However, utilizing a filter can help block unwanted spam messages on your iPhone. In … Leer más

Modo Niños en un iPhone o iPad - Cómo activarlo o desactivarlo

Kid’s Mode is a feature on iPhones and iPads that allows parents to manage various aspects of their children’s devices. The correct name of this feature is “Guided Access”, but many people refer to it as “Kid’s Mode”. In this article we will show you how to activate and deactivate Kid’s Mode. You can also … Leer más

El iPhone va directamente al buzón de voz - Cómo solucionarlo

Is your iPhone sending all calls directly to voicemail without ringing? Maybe a friend attempts to call you, and while they hear the phone ringing on their end, yours remains silent. This article addresses why your iPhone might be forwarding calls straight to voicemail without ringing and suggests solutions to resolve the issue.   1. … Leer más

Guía sobre el tiempo de pantalla en iPhones y iPads

The latest iPhones and iPads boast an array of enticing features that can easily captivate users, leading them to constantly reach for their devices. Nevertheless, if individuals were to truly gauge the amount of time spent on their smartphones, the revelation might be startling. Consequently, many are now proactively endeavoring to reduce their screen time … Leer más

Cómo solucionar el problema de la pantalla verde en un iPhone

When your iPhone screen displays a green hue, it signals an issue with the display. The Green Screen problem is frequently observed on iPhone X, 12, and 13 models. This issue can arise from a temporary software glitch, hardware malfunction, or physical/water damage. Here are some solutions that will resolve the Green Screen problem in … Leer más

¿No funciona el teclado del iPhone o iPad? Aquí hay 10 maneras de solucionarlo.

Experiencing issues with your iPhone or iPad keyboard? Whether it’s not working at all or you’re encountering other keyboard-related problems on your Apple device, the solutions might be simpler than you think. Curious but skeptical? Stay with me as we delve into just how straightforward it can be to resolve keyboard issues.   1. Resetting … Leer más