Trovi Removal (Browser Hijacker)

Trovi is a browser hijacker that modifies your browser’s settings, often redirecting your searches and homepage to unwanted sites. If you’ve found Trovi on your system, it’s essential to remove it promptly and take steps to prevent future installations.

How to Remove Trovi from your PC and Browser

Step 1: Uninstall Malicious Programs

  1. Fenêtres :
    • Ouvrir Panneau de contrôle.
    • Aller à Programmes et caractéristiques.
    • Find any suspicious programs related to Trovi.
    • Sélectionnez le programme et cliquez sur Désinstaller.
  2. Mac :
    • Ouvrir Recherche.
    • Aller à la page Applications dossier.
    • Locate any unwanted applications.
    • Drag them to the Poubelle and empty it.

Step 2: Remove Trovi from Browsers

Google Chrome

  1. Reset Settings:
    • Open Chrome.
    • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select Paramètres.
    • Faites défiler vers le bas et cliquez sur Avancé.
    • Scroll further down and click Rétablir les paramètres par défaut.
    • Confirmez en cliquant sur Réinitialiser les paramètres.
  2. Remove Extensions:
    • Aller à Plus d'outils > Extensions.
    • Find any extensions related to Trovi.
    • Cliquez sur Retirer.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Refresh Firefox:
    • Click on the three lines in the upper right corner and select Aide.
    • Choisir More Troubleshooting Information.
    • Cliquez sur Rafraîchir Firefox et confirmez.
  2. Remove Add-ons:
    • Aller à Add-ons and Themes.
    • Cliquez sur Extensions.
    • Supprimez toutes les extensions suspectes.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Reset Settings:
    • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select Paramètres.
    • Aller à Réinitialiser les paramètres on the left menu.
    • Sélectionner Rétablir les valeurs par défaut des paramètres and confirm by clicking Remise à zéro.
  2. Remove Extensions:
    • Aller à Extensions.
    • Remove any unwanted extensions.

Step 3: Run an Anti-Malware Scan

  1. Install Anti-Malware Software:
    • Download reputable anti-malware software such as Malwarebytes or Norton.
  2. Run a Scan:
    • Open the anti-malware software.
    • Perform a full system scan.
    • Follow the prompts to remove any detected threats.

How to Prevent Trovi from Being Installed in the Future

Adopter des habitudes de navigation sûres

  • Évitez de cliquer sur des liens suspects : Be cautious of emails and websites that prompt you to click on unfamiliar links.
  • Download from Trusted Sources: Only download software from official websites or trusted sources.

Utiliser un logiciel de sécurité

  • Install Antivirus Software: Keep it updated and run regular scans.
  • Enable Browser Protection: Many security suites offer browser protection features to block malicious sites and downloads.

Mise à jour régulière des logiciels

  • Keep Your OS Updated: Ensure your operating system has the latest security patches.
  • Update Browsers: Regularly update your web browsers to protect against vulnerabilities.

Be Cautious with Extensions

  • Examiner les autorisations : Before installing browser extensions, review the permissions they request.
  • Limit Extensions: Only install extensions that you absolutely need and trust.