Hvordan fjerne Amazon Loyalty Program Pop-Up Scam

The Amazon Loyalty Program pop-up scam is a type of malware that tricks users into believing they have won a prize or are eligible for a special promotion. This pop-up appears as a legitimate notification from Amazon, claiming that you need to act quickly to claim your reward. In reality, it’s a phishing attempt designed to steal your personal information or install harmful software on your device.

How to Remove the Amazon Loyalty Program Pop-Up Scam

For Windows Users

  1. Close the Pop-Up: If the pop-up appears, close it immediately using the “X” button. Do not click on any links or provide any information.
  2. Skann etter skadelig programvare: Open your antivirus or anti-malware software and run a full system scan. If you don’t have one installed, download a reputable tool like Malwarebytes or Avast.
  3. Remove Suspicious Programs:
    • Gå til Kontrollpanel > Programs > Programmer og funksjoner.
    • Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious programs.
    • Uninstall any program you do not recognize or did not intentionally install.
  4. Clear Browser Data:
    • In your browser, go to Innstillinger > Privacy and Security > Tøm nettleserdata.
    • Velg Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.
    • Klikk Tøm data.
  5. Check Browser Extensions:
    • Open your browser and navigate to the extensions/add-ons section.
    • Remove any suspicious or unknown extensions.
  6. Tilbakestill nettleserinnstillinger:
    • Go to your browser’s settings and find the option to Tilbakestill innstillinger.
    • Confirm the reset to restore default settings.

For macOS Users

  1. Close the Pop-Up: Close the pop-up window immediately. Avoid interacting with any content within the pop-up.
  2. Kjør en skanning etter skadelig programvare: Use a trusted anti-malware tool like Malwarebytes for Mac to perform a full scan of your system.
  3. Remove Suspicious Applications:
    • Åpne Finder and go to the Bruksområder mappe.
    • Look for any unfamiliar or unwanted applications.
    • Dra eventuelle mistenkelige programmer til Søppel and then empty the Trash.
  4. Clear Browser Data:
    • In Safari, go to Safari > Innstillinger > Personvern and click Administrer nettsteddata. Remove any suspicious entries.
    • For Chrome, go to Innstillinger > Personvern og sikkerhet > Tøm nettleserdata og velg Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.
  5. Check Browser Extensions:
    • Open your browser’s extension or add-ons settings.
    • Remove any extensions you do not recognize or trust.
  6. Tilbakestill nettleserinnstillinger:
    • For Safari, this can be done by choosing Safari > Innstillinger > Personvern > Administrer nettsteddata and removing all data.
    • For Chrome, go to Innstillinger > Avansert > Tilbakestilling og opprydding > Gjenopprett innstillingene til de opprinnelige standardinnstillingene.

Slik forhindrer du fremtidige installasjoner

Hold programvaren oppdatert

Regularly update your operating system, browser, and all installed applications. Updates often include security patches that protect against new threats.

Install Reputable Security Software

Use reliable antivirus and anti-malware programs. Ensure they are always up-to-date and perform regular scans.

Be Cautious with Links and Pop-Ups

Avoid clicking on links or pop-ups from unfamiliar sources. Always verify the authenticity of offers or notifications by directly visiting the official website.

Enable Pop-Up Blockers

Most modern browsers come with built-in pop-up blockers. Ensure these are enabled to prevent unwanted pop-ups.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN can add an extra layer of security by masking your IP address and encrypting your online activity, making it harder for malicious actors to target you.